
Healthy Pregnancy

4 classes on how to take care of yourself during pregnancy

Topics covered include: 

  • First Trimester and Hazards (HP#1)
  • Second Trimester, Nutrition, and Exercise (HP #2)
  • Third Trimester and Pregnancy Emotions (HP #3)
  • Labor, Delivery, and Postpartum Care (HP #4)
Baby Basics

4 classes for expectant parents on how to take care of your newborn

Topics covered include:

  • Newborn Appearance, Bonding, Emotional Demands, and Coping w/ Stress (BB #1)
  • Breastfeeding, Bottle Feeding, and Diapering (BB #2)
  • Colic, Crying, and Shaken Baby Syndrome (BB #3)
  • Newborn care, Health & Safety – Including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (BB #4)

Be ready for your baby!

Active Parenting

8 classes for parents with infants, toddlers, or preschoolers.

Topics covered include:

  • Stages of Development, Behavior Problems, and Play (AP #1)
  • Preventing Problems, Brain Development, Discipline Techniques, and routines (AP #2)
  • Encouraging Positive Behavior, Choices, Consequences, and Encouragement (AP #3)
  • Preparing for School success, Encouraging Play, Learning, Reading, and Dealing with Childhood Emotions (AP #4)
  • Safety Starts at Home (AP #5)
  • Love and Relationships, and Appropriate Physical Touch (AP #6)
  • Childhood Nutrition (AP #7)
  • Personal Finance and Budgeting (AP #8)


Being a Father

Being a Father gives dads the FREE tools they need to be the best father they can be. The sessions cover topics such as:

  • Parenting Style
  • Quality Time
  • Relationships
  • Distractions
  • Being a Role Model
  • Priorities
  • Leadership
  • Shared Responsibility
  • Consistency
Doctor Dad

Doctor Dad teaches dads practical skills & medical info to keep their child healthy and safe. The 4 sessions contain topics listed below:

  • The Well Child: Understanding your child’s style, why your baby might be crying, how to soothe your crying baby, nutrition, shots
  • The Sick Child: Taking your child’s temperature, fever, the common cold, germs, preventing dehydration
  • The Injured Child: Burns, sunburns, drowning, cuts & scrapes, head injuries, poisoning, choking
  • The Safe Child: Safety in the car, house, and yard; gun safety and parental anger
Introduction to breastfeeding

A one-time course offered by outside teachers or in-house teachers that covers breastfeeding basics, like positions for breastfeeding, caring for your breasts, milk storage, and how to know when your baby is full. 

Bible Studies for men and women

For women, 8 sessions exploring Jesus’ interaction with women in the Bible.

For men, 8 sessions exploring how men can look at their circumstances as an opportunity for success by looking at examples of men in the Bible. 


Can I bring my kids?

If your baby is under 6 months old and is quiet during class, you may bring them. Children over 6 months old are not permitted in class as a general rule.

When are the classes held?

Classes are held at each center throughout the week.

Do I have to make an appointment?

To reserve your place, contact the center:

Iowa: (563)386-3737

Illinois: (309)797-3636

How much do the classes cost?

Everything we do is completely free, so classes are too!


Pregnancy Resources does not refer for or provide abortions. 

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